Messers Aykut PEKBAŞARAN, Bahattin ÖZDEMİR and Haşim ÖZDEMİR who have more than 20 years of expertise in their own fields have come together to establish a partnership, and invested in the brand of FOXWOOD on the 17th June of 2020 with the aim of “stylish American and French Country furniture production” both in our country and abroad.
We have put considerable amount of efforts to develop our own products which is followed by rapid growth in number of stores. Following the production area in MODOKO (Furniture site on Asian side of Istanbul), we have opened the MASKO (Furniture site on European side of Istanbul) store. Bodrum (Resort Southwest Türkiye) was the next store we have realised. Towards the end of December 2022 we have started our third store nearby MODOKO.
Both our local and international customers and target customers while enjoy seeing our products in each of these sites, they are mostly welcomed to visit our production facilities too.
Our purpose and mission are; to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations in terms of quality and elegance fort he first time we meet and all times of service.